Friday, February 25, 2005

The left wing and the Radical Party in Italy

Hi there! At the moment, a rather important struggle about the referendum against the law 40/2004, the so-called "Act against the artificial and assisted procreation". It is a law which forbid to non-married people to have a child with assisted procreation, and, in particular, which heavily interfere with the freedom of research. The point is that the Catholic Hierarchies, heavily present in the Italian politics, are interfering in the scientifical research. The Radical Party has collected one million of signatures to promove the referendum, which has been incomprehensibly rejected by the Constitutional Court. Next April there will be the Regional Elections, and the Radical party applied for an alliance with the Left wing Party. Which has been very good, since the civil fights and the activeness of the Radicals are appreciated by the left voters, and really unapproved by the Conservative and Post-Fascist Casa delle Libertà (the Right Wing Party, held by Silvio Berlusconi). However, the Catholic side of the Left Wing Party (the Unione Democratica), has pressed to reject the alliance, which might turn out to be esplicitly pro-referendum. This means a -10% of votes to the Unione, and, of course, a very low percentage for the Radical Party. Consequently, the Left Wing has given a huge gift to Berlusconi, and showed how they don't care about real democracy in Italy.


Anonymous said...

Angelo - it's always interesting to hear something about Italy which isn't just the usual tourist stuff about food, beaches and the price of holiday homes. Please keep us up to date with some interesting political discourse!!



Mister Le Marche said...

Thank you Anne for your appreciation. Stay tuned, because there will be more interestin articles. Of, course, I'll talk about politics when I think to know about the topic.
A presto!